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Draft: Heritage Impact Assessment of the Lamu Archipelago for the LAPSSET Project

By Karel A Bakker, Ishanlosen Odiaua, and George Abungu

This draft reportĀ  highlights findings of the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) performed on behalf of the State Party of Kenya, by three UNESCO appointed consultants in collaboration with the National Museums of Kenya. This draft document is focused on providing relevant stakeholders with an interim HIA Report for final consultations to comment, moderate and to contribute towards its finalization.
Heritage Impact Assessment is an Environmental Assessment (EA) component that focuses on potential impacts of proposed developments on known and unknown heritage resources within the project area. The assessment results in a report that identifies significant heritage resources, provide an evaluation of the significance of the resources, outlines any impacts the proposed development or site alteration will have on the resources and assesses their severity and significance, and makes recommendations towards alternatives and mitigation measures that would avoid or minimize impacts to those resources. As part of the EA process, an HIA Report also serves to inform decision making related to the protection and sound use of the identified heritage resources in the environment.

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